Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fall Quilts

This is the Thimbleberries one that I just finished hanging in my bedroom. There may be a mixture of Thimbleberrie fabric and other brands of fabric. I don't remember anymore. This one is in the kitchen. Again, this one is many years old. It is hanging by my messy computer desk.


Mar said...

Carol, you have a lot of beautiful fall quilts!

Sylvia said...

Love all your wonderful quilts Carol.
Don't work to hard this week. Do something fun.

Holly said...

Carol, Looks like you love autumn as much as I do. I love the new Thimbleberry quilt.

BTW, I have the Quilt-EZ baptist fan templates as well as the R&S ones. I tried the QEZ ones for the first time last night and I do like them better. The stylus fits in them better. I suspect that the R&S stylus would fit the R&S boards better.